By: Kinky Brothers
You are very fortunate to be living here in the LA area because you can attend a leather, fetish, kink oriented event every night of the week. Compared to smaller cities around the country who may possibly have 1-2 events a month, we have so much to do and see around us. Get your fetish gear on and come out to see what is out there for you to enjoy, learn, participate, and dive in. Some of these clubs/organizations require membership to participate, but most have events for the public to enjoy as well. Check these out, maybe one or more may be of interest to you or have the courage to step out of the box to try something different.
Avatar Club Los Angeles --
Avatar is a non-profit fraternal organization for gay men with interests in leather, kink, and fetish. Avatar promotes safe, sane, consensual and fun BDSM play. Monthly educational programs are open to all interested adults. Avatar Leather Lab provides men with hands-on educational programs. Avatar hosts dungeon play parties for men to play, practice, and learn BDSM/fetish/kink of different levels. Although Avatar is a membership by invitation organization, adults are welcomed at their public events. Avatar has proudly served the community as an educational forum since 1983.
Bears LA --
Bears LA was created 15 years ago to provide a social outlet for the Los Angeles and the surrounding area Bear community. We sponsor and organize a variety of social events, Mr. SoCal Bear and Mr. LA Leather Bear. We are an all-inclusive group supporting camaraderie, fun and friendship while giving to charitable causes and encouraging community service.
B&B Corps --
The California B & B Corps is a uniform club of men with mutual interest and respect for Boots and Breeches as worn by police motor officers. In 2008 The Corps celebrated its 40th anniversary. The longest established uniform club in the US, the B & B Corps began in 1968 in Los Angeles. The Corps presently has Divisions in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Palm Springs. The Corps sponsors club and public events throughout the year in the greater LA, SF, and PS areas.
Bears Ventura --
Bears Ventura is an organization for Bears and their admirers. We are a social club which organizes activities for members that allow them to interact with each other, meet new people and make new friends. More importantly TO HAVE FUN. Throughout the year, Bears Ventura organizes activities for our members. Twice a year the club sponsors a retreat to Pine Mountain for “Bears in the Woods”, a weekend event in which members hike, eat, watch movies, play games, and enjoy each other’s company. On a monthly basis, the club hosts a beverage benefit and BBQ at Paddy’s in Ventura. Bears Ventura has a long-standing tradition of supporting various charities in and around our community. The support for the charities comes from the many fund raising activities done throughout the year
Genesis TNG --
Genesis TNG (The Next Generation) is a special interest group established in 1999 for the younger participants (18-38) of the Lifestyle. We are a pansexual social and education group comprised of peers from various walks of the lifestyle. All experience levels, sexual orientations and interests are welcome. Genesis TNG is a "gateway" organization. While we do schedule our own events, encourage members to expand their knowledge amongst peers, and just hang out and have fun, we also provide the information, networking and support necessary to eventually transition into the larger community. Genesis TNG does not follow a “One-size-fits-all” philosophy. We encourage everyone to explore the various aspects of our lifestyle and utilize the vast resources our community has to offer.
LA Band of Brothers --
We are current and former Los Angeles titleholders whose primary purpose is to support current and future titleholders born out of the Mr. L.A. Leather contest system, and to represent the unique and diverse tribe of the Los Angeles Leather Coalition. We do this by educating titleholders on ways to maximize their abilities, sharing our experience as titleholders, and maintaining a titleholder fund.
LA Boys of Leather --
The LA Boys of Leather exists as a forum through which self-identified leatherboys may educate and learn, (about the brotherhood of boys and the leather community at large), provide fellowship and encouragement, socialize, have fun, and support each other and their community. We define the term 'leatherboy' as broadly as possible with the intent of being inclusive. The term 'leatherboy' is not limited to a particular age, gender, appearance or sexual orientation. Rather it represents a common dedication to service and devotion to the leather community. We gather in boyhood and brotherhood to support ourselves and our community with respect and integrity.
LOBOC Motorcycle Club is a pansexual, pangendered motorcycle club, established in 1972. "LOBOC" stands for "LOng Beach & Orange County," (California) which is where our meetings and most events take place.
Masters And slaves Together --
MAsT: Greater Los Angeles is a pansexual support and discussion group for those interested in the Master-Mistress/slave or Dominant/submissive relationship. Persons of any gender and sexual orientation are welcome.
Maximus Cigars/Pipes & Smoke Club --
Maximus organizes quarterly socials and periodic smokers for Real Men and butch boys — not the nelly or faint of heart — who know, crave and indulge in the macho appeal and libido-stoking lure of cigar-smoking, pipe-smoking, and the he-man camaraderie and male bonding they stir up. Where there's smoke, there's fire — and you'll find both at MAXIMUS gatherings. If you're looking for the tobacco-fumed company of like-minded, red-blooded men who share your cigar and pipe fetishes big time, you've come to right place.
Moonburn Men’s Spanking Club --
Moonburn is a group of men who host a monthly all-male spanking party in Los Angeles the first Saturday of every month in the North Hollywood area from 2-6 PM. Come play, socialize, learn and meet others who are into spanking, paddling, caning and impact play.
Oedipus Motorcycle Club --
Oedipus’ focus is motorcycle riding and related social activities, serving the gay and lesbian community. Members ride a variety of motorcycles, ranging from sports bikes, cruisers, Harley’s and more. Come join us on one of our monthly rides to see for yourself. Our rides cover various regions throughout the Southern California area, from Ojai to Long Beach, and many areas in-between.
Palm Springs Leather Order of the Desert (PSLOD) --
PSLOD is a pansexual organization of like-minded individuals pursuing an interest in the Leather/SM/Fetish lifestyle, with an interest in fundraising for the local community. PSLOD produces the annual “Turning Up the Heat” leather pride weekend in November where they select their Mr. Palm Springs Leather titleholder.
Radical And Wicked Women (RAWW) --
RAWW is an organization for women with interests in leather, BDSM, fetish and kink. They promote safe, sane, consensual and fun play. They host monthly gatherings for networking, socializing, and learning different fetishes. The night usually ends with a dungeon play party which gets hot and loads of fun.
Palm Springs Boys of Leather --
Palm Springs Boys of Leather is to provide leatherboys a forum to have fun, learn, educate, socialize, contribute, and support each other and their community. The PS Boys of Leather is a group of self-identified leatherboys. The term leatherboy is defined as broadly as possible with the intent of being inclusive, and boy not being based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, or appearance. Our purpose is to gather in brotherhood and boyhood, supporting our members and our community with respect and integrity.
Orange Coast Leather Assembly (OCLA) --
OCLA is an education and outreach organization for the Leather, S/M and Fetish community in Orange County, Long Beach, South Bay, Greater L.A. and the surrounding areas of Southern California. OCLA is open to adults 18 years of age and older, of all genders and sexual orientations, from absolute novice to skilled experts, who socialize and learn from each other. OCLA is a non-membership group that promotes individual and community health, safety and growth and functions as an information source. Learn safe, sane and consensual S/M practices. Meet other people who share your interests. Hear from noted authorities in the field of S/M.
The Regiment of the Black & Tans --
The Regiment of the Black and Tans is a Los Angeles based social and fraternal organization for men with an interest in uniforms. Founded in 1974, the Southland's most active uniform club sponsors 3-6 uniform events annually. Their most notable event, Maneuvers 2010, is happening April 30-May 2 and GRUNT is held in the Fall season.
Satyrs Motorcycle Club --
The Satyrs Motorcycle Club was founded in 1954 and is the longest, continuously-running gay organization in America. The main purpose of the club is to promote motorcycling. However, the club also participates in and promotes many social and charitable activities. It sponsors group bike rides - sometimes to raise funds for charities - and holds parties, weekend runs, and beverage benefits in addition to the monthly meetings for club members. The Badger Flat Campground is the site of the club's grand event each year: The four-day run on Labor Day weekend. This hugely popular event attracts bikers and their friends from all over the US and abroad.
Trident International/LA --
Trident International/Los Angeles is a leather/uniform social club for gay men of any race or physical condition. It is one of 12 "halls" in Trident International, founded in 1973 at Montreal's Neptune bar. That's why our insignia combines the three-pronged fork of King Neptune, mythical god of the sea, with the fleur-de-lis emblem of Canada's Quebec Province. Trident International Los Angeles is not only one of the most open clubs of it's kind in the area, but the only one with a true international affiliation.
So. California Bondage Club --
We are a men’s bondage club that meets monthly on the second Friday night in the North Hollywood area for BONDAGE FRIDAY play parties. We welcome both experienced players and newbies. This is a great place to learn the ropes! So bring your rope, restraints, favorite toys or just a desire to learn. We encourage safe, sane, consensual and fun play and encourage everyone to always be respectful of other's scenes and space.
Threshold Society --
Threshold is a non-profit educational and support organization for adults (18 and older) who have an interest in sado-masochism and other activities involved in the safe and consensual exchange of power. Our common belief is that BDSM and Power Exchange is a healthy means of self-exploration and self-expression. We strive to provide forums to promote greater understanding of BDSM issues within our community and beyond.
Threshold seeks to provide a sense of community for our members by organizing a variety of educational and social events.
Warriors Motorcycle Club --
The Warriors established in 1969 as a California nonprofit corporation formed for the primary purpose of promoting safe and enjoyable motorcycling for its members. It is limited to 16 members, at least 2/3 of whom must own and ride a motorcycle. Regular meetings are held monthly, and various events open to the public are sponsored by the club each year.
For a quick glance at what’s happening in your area any night of the week and news reports with photos of events, check out these sites: