By Darrell BlackandBlue
New York’s Newest Leather Title!
You will never guess what it is! It’s the Mr. Rawhide 2010 contest! That’s right, the bar you run right past or duck into and don’t tell your friends about has a great big, chest-thumping contest title! The weekend of March 12 will expand New York’s tiny leather footprint by inches by adding another celebration of the creed, community and look of leather. This, being a feeder title to Chicago’s 2011 International Mr. Leather Contest will not just be serving lurid hot plates of beefcake! It will have at its forefront: one’s commitment to the scene, knowledge of its roots and service to causes important to our community: health, safety, sexual freedom and equal rights. (In full disclosure: I have been asked to help judge this contest. I assure you that I am not kidding about the qualifications!)
The founder of the contest, Justin John Costello, started taking his first steps into the leather scene in 1998, here in NYC, eventually being named Mid-Atlantic Leatherboy 2006. He moved to Philadelphia, lived within a life-changing Daddy/boy relationship, all the while working on Broadway and writing for Hollywood movies. He traveled the country, taking part in, working on and judging leather contests and soaking up leather culture and history. Asking Justin about his earliest memories of the Rawhide Bar, he replied, “I walked in and immediately got an erection! The atmosphere, the feeling of danger, the hanging motorcycle, the energy, the masculine faces, the photos and drawings on the walls! The possibilities seemed endless! Even now, it has the feel of a classic 1970’s style man’s bar! And that’s a good thing!”
Mr. Rawhide 2010 is actively seeking contestants. Visit the bar and complete an application.
It’s the Black Party; Take At Least One Thing Off!
Yes, if it’s March then it’s the time when cold winds blow and one’s thoughts turn from parkas and down coats to ‘how little can I wear and get away with on the streets of NYC these days?’ March is fast approaching and that means the clock has already started the countdown to the annual Saint at Large Black Party, that all-night, all-weekend parade of men, music and debauchery that takes over New York!
Men, and some of their crazier women friends are going to the web, their closets, lingerie departments, leather shops, latex couturiers and underwear boutiques and freaking out! They are all hoping to find something to make them look just a hair better than they look fully nude! The Saint at Large Black Party, now celebrating its 31st event, promises once again to show and project everything that is sexy in one night, in one room: muscle, skin, spectacle, sweat and attitude! The sounds are intense, the scene is very trippy-- that includes both the performers and the participants. To quote the Saint at Large Organization, “The Black Party has built its legendary reputation on the intense sexual energy of its "strange live acts," state-of-the-art lighting and production design and cutting-edge musical artistry.” I guarantee, that you will not be entirely sure what you are witnessing as the night gallops along!
The games begin on Saturday, March 20, 2010, 10pm and continue until at least noon on Sunday and probably later. At press time the DJs have not yet been announced. This years festivities will include a daytime Expo and a Sunday night after party. I guess we will have to sleep when we are dead!
Here are some tips for survival:
1. Sleep more, before, drink less at the party! The drinks are expensive—and alcohol makes you sleepy!
2. Add weight and reps, now! And don’t forget your cardio! You were born in your best outfit!
3. Search-proof your walk-in wear! You veterans know what I am talking about! Think airport, with a real threat of cavity search. Trust me, your ticket purchase waives your Four Amendment rights. Look it up.
That’s a start. If you survive, I will add more next year!
See you next month!
Check it out:
Mr. Rawhide Competition March 12th & 13th Rawhide Bar 212 Eighth Avenue
Saint at Large Black Party March 20th & 21st Roseland Ballroom 239 West 52nd Street
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